Biohazard Remediation & Hoarding Cleanup
New, Active, Business Leads Delivered to YOU!
No Referral Fees

Companies typically ask for a 10% referral fee when they send jobs your way. We don't ask for a referral fee! Your monthly subscription is all you'll pay. At $59.00 per month, you'll only pay $708 per year.

Since you should make at least $500 per day, you'll only need to pick up one or two days of work to pay for this entire package for a year.

Real Leads!

This program is open to anyone who completes our training course. On average, we receive ten business leads a day (mostly for hoarding & clutter cleaning). Our staff takes time to evaluate each lead & passes on to you the ones we feel are worth your time.

Once you sign up, we'll provide you with access to a member's only group through You'll need to create an account to receive these leads.

These US States

At the present time, we're only offering this program to companies who provide services to any of these states: Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Michigan & Wisconsin . Additional states will be added in the near future.

Crime Scene Cleanup & Clutter Removal
We Make No Promises!

Let's be honest, we simply can't guarantee that you'll receive paying work from this program. If we could guarantee it, we'd charge a lot more than $59.00 per month! That said, just one job from this program would more than pay for your subscription for two or three years. We want you to succeed and we'll do everything in our power to provide good, accurate and timely business leads.

Let us do the advertising while you concentrate on business growth