Crime Scene Cleanup Industry
Steps to Secure Your New Website
Step #1

Buy Your Domain Name - If you haven't yet done this, we'll walk you through it. The cost is about $9.00 and YOU will own your domain name. Never allow anyone to buy your domain name for you. You can always get another website but your domain name can't be replaced.

Step #2

Sign Up for a Website - We charge a monthly fee for the use of your new website. In the long run, this method is less expensive than hiring a developer to create a website, manage the site, provide SEO, make updates, install upgrades, manage your email servers, install payment processors and more.

Step #3

Provide us the Details - Your new website will be designed with your business information & identity. We'll set you up with domain related email addresses (as many as you like). Your website will have industry related photos and unique pages for the services you provide. Your website will be unique to your service area!

Your New Website is Waiting
We Make Having an Online Presence Easy!

Take a minute to click the link "Your New Website" to see what your website will look like. Remember, changes will be made so that the site displays your company information and your services.

  • Here is what your new website will look like, before any of your personal information is added Your New Website
  • Your website will have your logo, your contact info, information about your services, service area and more
  • Your website will be uniquely yours!
Let's Discuss Pricing!
Complete Website + Management + SEO

Although $149 monthly may seem expensive, it's less than what you would spend elsewhere. Having an online presence is not cheap. However, it is a legitimate business expense, just like your payroll, automobile payments, advertising, and cost of tools and equipment. A $149 a month business expense isn't much when you consider most of your business will be generated from your website!

What would you pay outside of this program with other companies?

  • Others charge $1,500 to $3,000 up front for a website!
  • Others charge $25 to $100 monthly for website management
  • Others charge $75 to $250 monthly for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Others charge $50 to $75 per hour for website changes and additions
  • Others charge $50 per month for required plugins. For example, want to take online payments, a plugin is required.
Must be a Student or Graduate of Our Training Program
Other Benefits of this Package
Professional Online Presence

Let's face it, professional, well-designed websites that function properly get more business. A website with relevant details, forms, online payment options, chat capabilities, etc. is expected. Fail to provide this and you will struggle to be competitive!

We do all the Work

You worry about running and growing your business while we handle your website. Need changes or additions? Want to add a new email address? Just ask and within 48 hours the task will be completed.

Cancel Plan at Anytime

This package is beneficial for new business owners. Why spend $2,500 up front on a website if you're unsure your business will succeed? Pay for this package for six months or six years. Cancel at anytime and keep your domain name.

How Much Does it Cost?

The first month's payment of $350 includes the setup time required to personalize your new website and the purchase of licensed industry-related images. After this first payment of $350, each month thereafter you'll be billed $149

  • $350.00 first payment, $149.00 / month onwards

    You Won't Find a Better Price!

    Get started now

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below, please reach out to us for assistance.

Once the plan is cancelled, your website will be taken offline. You'll still own your domain name and any photos that you've asked us to place on your website.

Your domain name is the name of your website. For example, if your business name is Great Lakes Remediation, your domain name would probably be "". This domain name is something that you will purchase for use with any website you create or any plan, such as this one, that you may pay into. If you decide to create a new website or hire a new management company, your domain name can be linked to that site. You ALWAYS want to retain ownership of your domain name.

We handle this for you. As part of our service, we will purchase a subscription to a stock image website. From this website, we can legally download and use industry related images for your website. Later, once you start taking your own photos of scenes you've worked, we can add them to your website. Or, you can continue to use the stock photos we upload.

No company can guarantee first page placement on Google (or any other search engine). Our websites are created with SEO in mind. It can take several months before your website starts moving towards the first page of a search engine. While we don't guarantee that your website will appear on the first page for any keyword searches, we will work monthly to make sure your site is fully optimized for potential placement on the first page.

Once we receive your subscription payment, we'll reach out to you to discuss your domain name. At this time, we'll also start gathering information needed for your site. Following these initial steps, it typically takes about seven days to launch your new site.

Your plan allows for 30 minutes of changes and updates per month. Anything that requires more than 30 minutes will be billed at $38 per hour. For example, if you need a company email address for a new employee, this would be covered under the 30 minutes that's included in the plan. Adding a new page to a site may take 90 minutes. In this situation, you would be billed $38 (first 30 minutes free). 

This is the site that you will be paying for. Photos, contact information, text and more can be changed to match your business and the services you provide.

Your New Website

This may save you money but we don't recommend it. Online website builders provide you with very limited resources and don't allow for complete SEO. Websites built through online builders typically consist of one page with limited customization options. Adding payment options, chat options, videos, forms, etc. are oftentimes not possible. Generic "cookie-cutter" type websites don't typically rank well in search engines and don't provide the features your clients expect. Although you could have a cheap website, chances are it won't generate any business for your company.